
Showing posts from November, 2022

Jacob 11/11/22

  The artificial light from the “happy box” warmed him through a bit, Jacob thought. Meds from the pill box and some time near the light helped him to start his day. Jacob had struggled with depression for a while, but the last five-years it had gotten more difficult to manage. What his doctor had thought was seasonal depression, turned into every day depression with the changing environment and tone of the    country. Sipping his    coffee and thinking of the day ahead, he considered orders that would be arriving for the sale on Saturday; A busy day of stocking shelves, lied ahead for him.  Switching the light off, he took a moment for reflection, trying to clear his mind of the uneasiness he still felt. Not enough moments of peace and quiet he thought. He needed more self-care to ready for the world. A lot still hung unsettled in the election, but it was out of his control. The country, especially the young people, had came out strong for democracy and th...

Jacob 11/8/23

  Morning brought little comfort to Jacob as he walked to the store, pulling his scarf up around his neck. He felt the 35° and wasn’t ready for winter but he really wasn’t ready for the outcome of today either. He feared the worse outcome in the election. Maybe he was wrong, but felt impending doom, but knew he needed to pull it together.  He’d get it together for his customers, for the children that came in with their parents and for the parents. They were probably equally as frightened as he was. This day would be hard he thought, maybe even the next few days.  Rounding the corner to the store, he spied Mrs Wills and her little girl Emily. There must be something wrong he thought. He hurried to open the door and get them out of the cold. This was his purpose he thought, caring for my community. Nothing else mattered in that moment, but little Emily and her worried looking mother. “What can I do for you my friends?” Jacob smiled and set  about his day…  LmS 11/...

November 8, 2022 #Vote

The angst we feel is real, Morning brought little comfort, Today we decide so much. Take your place in line at the polls, Let your voices be heard. A moment in time, speak your choice, Lest we become a totalitarian country.  Even God won’t be able to protect us, If we fall to evil’s fate. Step up my fellow Americans, vote out the absurd, Scream and shout Americans, before you won’t be heard! 

Jacob Stuggles with Democracy

  The slight man swept the sidewalk at regular pace, side to side. The sunny day is just the sort of day that one didn’t mind outside work, he thought. Still the sun offered him no condolences for his somber mood. The country was a wreck, people were angry and his little market was barely able to exist. Sure he had his regular customers, but they had their problems and a tab with him to keep their families afloat. Something has to change… Just then dark clouds moved overhead and settled. Jacob peered at the sky and the clouds continued to thicken, the darkest gray he’d ever seen. The sun was completely gone and a gloominess lingered over the town. What next he thought…… #AnytownAmerica #Vote  LmS 11/4/22 The morning and rest brought a new resilience to Jacob as he looked out his window. The sky held promise of change and so he’d pull himself up and start his day. He’d go forward with hope in his actions and try to only have happiness in his work today. He still felt the anxiet...


Monday morning comes to soon, Before you know it, your weekends doomed. But another week, another chance, Lies ahead for you to sing and dance.  Monday arrives, your stage awaits, Spread hope and kindness to everyone you meet, If you must, sing and dance in the street, Another Monday, opportunities await. 


 A day before a monumental election. One that threatens to strip women permanently of their right to have abortions, but so much more. Women should decide what happens to their bodies just as their male counterparts do. What are we in the 1950s again? Trying to create a robotic woman? Sorry gents, you can’t put this Genie back in the bottle.  The worst that will happen tomorrow, the fascist right will win and we will need to rise up even more loud than we are today. There won’t be a moment of rest for women until the 2024 elections. Abortions will continue because women will work around the white Christian Republican Party that thinks it needs to dictate women’s rights, to ensure woman are able to end pregnancies.  One more day until a new crisis explodes! Either Dems win and women’s rights can be restored or the likes of Kari Lake, Dr. Oz, Donald Bolduc and the rest of Trumps selected democracy deniers will all scream “rigged” elections and we all know what happens then....