Jacob 11/11/22


The artificial light from the “happy box” warmed him through a bit, Jacob thought. Meds from the pill box and some time near the light helped him to start his day. Jacob had struggled with depression for a while, but the last five-years it had gotten more difficult to manage. What his doctor had thought was seasonal depression, turned into every day depression with the changing environment and tone of the  country. Sipping his  coffee and thinking of the day ahead, he considered orders that would be arriving for the sale on Saturday; A busy day of stocking shelves, lied ahead for him. 

Switching the light off, he took a moment for reflection, trying to clear his mind of the uneasiness he still felt. Not enough moments of peace and quiet he thought. He needed more self-care to ready for the world. A lot still hung unsettled in the election, but it was out of his control. The country, especially the young people, had came out strong for democracy and that made him happy. That’s a good sign for all of us when the younger generations become passionate about government. His sons had all confirmed they had voted and encouraged their friends to as well. The young people gave him a comport he had not anticipated.

Watching Joe respond to the election he’d seen an aging and honorable man. A man who stepped up when there was really know one else to run for president. The country owed him a huge debt of gratitude for his service. A man who suffered tragic loss in his life, turned it into strength, passion and a determination that he’d get us on the right path. He’d been met with hate and ridicule his entire first two years, yet he stayed focused on what he needed to do. Mostly diplomatic he had effectively cleaned up the prior guy’s messes. This “Dark Brandon” name that he acquired really was endearing and officially made him into the “Joe Cool” he was. Yet, it was time for him to enjoy the fruits of his labor and his family. Jacob knew it was unpopular to say, but he didn’t think Joe should run in 2024. We needed a strong younger person to lead our country forward and clean up the squatters in our important house and senate seats. Joe Biden deserved a restful retirement…

Enough, he thought, the day was calling on him to live his life and try to lift others. His community needed him, heck the country needed all of us to get up every day and make our towns better. Every little bit helps create a wave of kindness and unity. He smiled, closing his front door stepping into the coolness of the day. I’m going to get fired if i don’t get a move on…. Joe Cool inspired him as it should all of us he thought. 

LmS 11/11/22                     #AnytownAmerica 


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